I didn’t grow up with video games or many toys. As a kid, a ball was all I ever needed. Sports were my full-time passion and all that was ever on my mind. Life really hasn’t changed much.

As a player, coach, official, convener, trainer and super fan, I’ve run the full gamut when it comes to the wild world of sports. Now, in this insane information age, we can follow our favourite leagues, teams and athletes with unprecedented access and I take full advantage.

My faves are basketball and soccer, but really, I love all competition. Below you’ll find my sports editorials and on your way down, consider joining in on the fandom with our Bell City Facebook groups.



    I’ve been obsessed with basketball since I was four years old. Most of my oldest and dearest friends are thanks to this sport and we love to chat all things Raptors and Canada Basketball.


    I’m fairly new to the soccer world. My interest turned when our beloved Toronto FC moved to the neighbourhood. Now, we just can’t get enough of the growing quality of Canada Soccer.

Compete. Get better and do it together.
— Darko Rajaković, Toronto Raptors Head Coach


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