Promotional Copywriting


Writing has always come natural to me. Usually for better, but admittedly sometimes for worse, it came as a package deal with my gift of gab. 

Throughout my studies, I always preferred the context of an essay over the ambiguity of multiple choice. This preference came in handy as I earned my BA in Political Science at Western University and enhanced my media writing skills at Toronto Metropolitan University.

In my professional life, I’ve leveraged thousands of writing hours into a successful career hinged on an innate ability to clearly convey a point. I’ve delivered and edited countless words for major corporations and iconic brands, now I’m excited to offer my skills to your cause.


At the moment I don’t have the bandwidth to complete the research for your writing assignment. However, I will work with you on a plan to produce ideas that will reflect your vision and character. I will then take your research points and construct effective copy in a tone you’re comfortable with. I’m like a human AI, but not so wordy. 

I write approximately 100 words per hour, so you can estimate how long your project will take based on that measurement.  Our goals will be to drive traffic, convert traffic into action, promote a passion, inform potential collaborators or all the above. The benefits of compelling copy are endless and together I’m confident we can take advantage of those relevant to your project.


  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Website Copy
  • Biographies and Mission Statement
  • Newsletters and Email Campaigns
  • Social Media Profiles and Posts
  • Presentations and Speeches
  • Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Proofreading and Editing
  • Product Descriptions
  • Contest Copy
  • Ad Media


All first consultations are free! It’s time we start answering your digital questions.